Blue Butterfly Wisdom 603.566.2155
Blue Butterfly Wisdom @2016
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About Me
My name is Pam Brodeur and I was born in Manchester, NH. My family moved to Hudson, NH when I was 10 months old and this is where I grew up. While being employed at a local company for 39 years, I’ve received several certifications and recognitions through years of service. I studied at Hesser College and the NH Vocational Technical College. I was blessed with a son named Scott and he has three beautiful sons of his own with whom I adore!
Throughout my life, I have always have had a sense of urgency to be of service to others in a loving and compassionate way.
Tibetan and Crystal Singing Bowls have always fascinated me. One day while browsing through in a spiritual store looking for a gift, I was drawn to the section that had singing bowls. They literally called to me. I thought that was strange at first but I was totally amazed after listening to each of them. So began my collection of singing bowls. One of my bowls is for healing and it told me so. They love letting me know when to play them and where the energy wants to flow for healing. I especially enjoy doing meditations and healings with my Tibetan bowls and gongs. They have a unique way of grounding and helping one get balanced. They bring in peace and calms the soul.
Through my spiritual journey I have been called to several different healing modalities. I’m a Certified Reiki Master Teacher providing group classes throughout NH and on Zoom. I’m also a Vibralite Teacher, Vibralite flows a very deep and unique healing energy to my clients. This year I’m offering private and group Tibetan Singing Bowl Meditations along with sound healing. and Vibralite Chakra Meditations.
My greatest hope is that you allow yourself to experience it!
Love and Light!